As general practitioners the doctors deal with a wide range of medical problems. We also have other healthcare professionals who are highly trained and skilled, who work alongside the doctors in managing chronic conditions. You are required to state the nature of the medical condition.
- Urgent Appointments are booked on the day from 8am. They are for patients who have problems which, for medical reasons, cannot wait for a routine appointment.
- It is not possible to offer a choice of doctor for urgent appointments.
- Routine doctor appointments are booked up to one week in advance and are scheduled to last 15 minutes. In order to work safely, punctually and to give adequate attention to each problem, we ask that patients bring only one problem to each consultation. Please do not be offended if the doctor asks you to book further appointments if you have several problems.
- We are not an Emergency medical Service, if you require emergency medical assistance please dial 999.
- Patients are encouraged to call from 8am.
- We do not offer a walk in service.
- Non-urgent problems will not be managed by the Duty Doctor.
- Other sources of help for urgent problems include NHS Choices (website advice) and NHS Walk in Centres which are particularly useful if you are not near the surgery.
- Our prescribing Advanced Nurse Practitioner works alongside the GPs and offers routine and on the day appointments.